Monday, 21 January 2008

Posting 1: Elizabeth Choy

I just watched a video clip about Elizabeth Choy approximately, *checks watch*, 5 hours, 17 minutes and 27 milliseconds. Technically, Elizabeth is the English equivalent of my "Spanish" name BUT the one big difference, Elizabeth Choy probably didn't have enough time to think that turkeys taste funny. I mean, she spent one hundred and ninety three days without proper ventilation, gourmet food, facilities and getting beaten up 3/4 of the time. She was kicked and punched whenever the then (note the THEN) slightly delusional Japanese soldiers, felt like it. She was electrocuted and by my watching of "The Green Mile", it doesn't sound like a hot stone massage. It sounds like she had a really tough time in the four by three metres cell shared with TWENTY male prisoners. Why? Because she loved her country and her husband and refused to share any information with the Japanese even though she was tortured horribly. That's what makes her so great! I mean, the normal civilian, I'm sure he or she wouldn't blurt it out straightaway but still, imagine one hundred and ninety three days in that cramped little cell being tortured gruesomely whenever those slightly crazy Japanese soldiers intent on beating the cat out of the bag with electrocution and physical torturement decided to.

Here's some information about Elizabeth Choy, not much and mainly concentrated around the war bit. During the Japanese Occupation, she worked as a canteen operator with her husband at the Mental Hospital where patients from General Hospital had been moved to. They secretly sneaked food, medicine, money, messages and even radios to British internees. Unfortunately for their patriotic souls, they were caught by the Japanese and Elizabeth was arrested on 15 November 1943, following her husband's arrest on 29 October a few weeks earlier. Believing their activities were related to the Double Tenth incident, she was interrogated by the Kempeitai but she never admitted to being a British sympathiser. She was released only after 193 days of starvation diet and repeated torture

I need to go,


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